Honour the Architect of our own Existence

 Honour the Architect of our own Existence

Honouring means showing our gratitude towards our parents, grand parents, great grand parents, so called ancestors. 

Although we have fixed 15 days to show gratitude by doing Shraadh, but we neglect our living parents because of whom we have come in this world.

Also, we need to show our gratitude to deceased parents, grand parents and ancestors. That’s why rituals or practices of Shraadh is important.

Sanskars, habits, tendencies, instincts, thought patterns, intelligence everything we inherit from our past life surroundings including our parents and same continues in present life if we don’t change our lower nature.

So, it is important to change our habits, tendencies, instincts, thought patterns, intelligence if we really want to evolve. Evolution is a constant and ongoing process.

Let us understand in depth knowledge about Pitra Paksh.
Welcome to Join Pitra Paksha Special Sessions. 
When: 10th - 25th September
Time: 7:30p.m  - 8:30p.m.

Register this additional link for 7:30pm👇

Zoom Meeting ID:
895 0322 8247
9831634110/ 9831653874


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