A loving Atma Namaste!

The Wesak is an immensely powerful spiritual event that only occurs once in a year at a very particular time. This is an opportunity for every soul to intensify their spiritual connection. 


Invite and fix yourself for five days to bathe in this spiritual energy which will help you throughout the year - physically, emotionally, materially, financially & spiritually.


When: 16th May Monday Wesak Full Moon Meditation

 ✅Time-8:00 AM-10:30AM IST

   (Downpour 9:44 AM IST)

✅Venue: Kalakunj, 

48 Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata - 700017 & Virtual session also.


Please register this link for wesak Day 16th May Monday at 8:00 AM IST


Meeting ID : 879 0681 4035

Passcode : 242671

Note: Be seated by 8:00A.M.Those who will attend Wesak Full Moon Meditation Physically at Kalakunj Auditorium, Kolkata, are requested not to register Zoom Link.

Purification of Energy

When :14th & 15th May

Time: 11:00am - 12:00noon & 5:00p.m - 6:00p.m.

 Assimilation of Energy 17th & 18th May, 2022

Time : 11:00 - 12:00 noon & 5:00 - 6:00p.m.


The Zoom Link for Afternoon and Evening Sessions remains same for 5 days :


Note- We are following the Hybrid  System on all 5 days.We have guest speakers in the evening sessions at 5:00p.m daily and We appreciate your physical presence for 5:00 P.M meditation Session daily at 99, Sarat Chatterjee Rd,  Barat Colony , 1st floor, Kolkata


Durga Banka


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