Gayatri Mantra- Meaning of this Secret Ancient Mantra

Gayatri Mantra- Secret Mantra

Gayatri Mantra has been chronicled in Rig Veda which was written in Sanskrit some 3500 years ago. However, it is believed that this mantra has been chanted long before it was recorded in the text. For westerners, this mantra was quite a mystery and even most Hindus couldn’t get the head and tail of it. It was a well-guarded secret from those outside the Hindu-Brahmin community.

Gayatri Mantra Meaning

Today, it is chanted and sung around the world with reverence and love. It is akin to Lord’s prayer which holds significance and is quite impactful. It is very soothing and divine in nature and the sounds of it; is healing in nature. Its flowing rhythmic pattern indeed makes it a beautiful part of an individual’s daily Spiritual practice.

-Extracted from the Speaking Tree


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