How to practice affirmations?
To Practise an Affirmation:
First, sit calmly with spine held straight. Still the restlessness in the conscious mind; shut out all devastating negative thoughts. Quite the fanciful subconscious mind. Invoke the all powerful super consciousness by meditating deeply.
Then make your affirmation firmly; aloud or in whispers, or mentally. Repeat it over and over. Whether uttered aloud, whispered, or mentally expressed, each repetition of the affirmation should be impregnated with ever – increasing devotion and concentration.
One’s Foremost Affirmation should be for realization of oneness with God; and thereafter, for wisdom and bliss, then for harmony, then health, and then for true happiness and success for all mankind.
The moment the phrase reaches the super consciousness and the inner and intuitive conviction of the soul, valley of cosmic energy will shoot down through the spine and into the body.
The vibration of that current will heal the body, mind and soul – electrocuting physical disease germs, banishing irrational mental fears and inharmonies, and conflagrating soul ignorance into ashes.
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