Affirmations are superior to the customary form of prayer. 

Affirmations are statement of all -powerful truth.

By means of affirmations, he can apply universal laws of creative vibration to acquire anything he seeks.

Words are vibrations of thought. Thoughts, in turn, are vibrations of power and energy.

Thought is the force that powers the complex cellular mechanism of the body, as well as the machinery of human destiny and the entire cosmos. Thoughts are responsible for all the Chemical, nervous, and metabolic functions and psychological reactions of the body.

But even strong words or commands, such as “wake up!” are ineffective if uttered feebly, without vigorous force.

In an affirmation one should say the words with force of conviction and also seek to feel deeply the meaning of the thought behind them. The thought then will go deeply into the conscious mind, then into the subconscious and finally into the super consciousness.

When it registers in the super consciousness, it moves the cosmic creative vibration of Aum to demonstrate all manifest in actuality the truth in those words.


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