Saraswati Puja- The Story behind celebrating this auspicious day

As per the Hindu mythology, Brahma created the universe and impressed with the creation and wanted to see it with his own eyes. Hence, he set out on a journey but was disappointed with the complete silence and loneliness of everyone on planet Earth. After giving it a lot of thought, he had an idea according to which he took some water in his Kamandal and sprinkled it in air. 

An angel with a harp in her hand appeared from a tree and was requested to play something. Brahma asked her to do this so that the Earth was not silent and the angel obliged to bless the people of the Earth with her voice, filling the planet with music. 

That angel came to be known as Saraswati or Veena Vadini (harp player), the Goddess of speech, knowledge, music and art who provides voice, intelligence, force and glory. It is said that Saraswati has given voice to the world and hence her birthday is celebrated as Saraswati Puja.


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