Yoga Prana Vidya Level IV & V

 Empower your Life – Use the right Crystal at the right time!

Crystals are Beautiful!

Crystals are Magnetic!
Using Crystals can Enhance your Life!

Crystals are actually Alive! They can Store, Direct, Enhance and Project various types of Suptle Energies – to your body, your environment or multiple other purposes.

Historically Crystals have been used effectively for thousands of years. Discover what the Life Partner of this compiler told her about various Pressures and Semi-Precious stones during their travels to South America, Australia and India. Learn with Crystal will Maximize your Magnetic Power – when they are worn – and in which occasion to use them.

Find out how to select the right Crystal based on the effect of each Size, Colour and Characteristic, and know in advance how to make a choice that will suit your purposes when you purchase a new Crystal.

In only 1 ½ Days you can learn to Command the Energy of your Crystal – to assist in directing Energy to a physical body or to an environment.

Crystals may be used for Treating Clients, for Performing Absent Treatments on Clients or Projects at a Distance and they may “hold” an Energetic Space in your Garden and they may be used for multiple other purposes.

The Workshop Time: Approximately 1 ½ Days
Prerequisites: Yoga Prana Vidya Level II


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