Yoga Prana Vidya Level II

 Yoga Prana Vidya Level II is for all those who feel the need to have more Knowledge and a broader Understanding regarding Energy and its Applications – than given in Level I.

This Level gives a Practitioner advanced Techniques to professionalize their skills through the Application of Color Energy Treatments.

In this Workshop Practitioners will learn to more deeply understand that Energy Technology is not based only on the Movement of the Hands nor should their knowledge be limited to a simple understanding of proper Energy Flow.

Regular Spiritual Practice gives the Practitioner a clear sharp Mind which assists in clarifying their Intention to Utilize and Project the correct Frequency of Subtle Energy, the correct Tone of Colored Energy, and the proper Quantity or Dose of the Colored Energy they wish to Project.

Colored Energies are used to increase the Vibration of a Client’s Energy Information Field, of an Energy Center, or of a certain Area in a Client’s life.

Imbalances may rapidly be shifted into free flowing Energy. This will allow for rapid Transformation and Revitalization of the Client’s Energy System.

During this 2-Day Workshop – Fundamental Concepts are imparted. This allows for an upgrading and amplification of a Practitioner’s ability to utilize Subtle Energy – through their enhanced Understanding of the High Potency and Power of Colored Energies.

Advanced Techniques provided – assist a Practitioner to more accurately Assess the Energy Field, Energy Centers, as well as different Areas of the body and its Organs.

Practitioners learn how to rapidly determine if Unwanted Energy Connections are present in a Client’s Energy System. These “Cords” whether permissible or impermissible – may be rapidly removed from the Client’s Energy Field during a Treatment.

Practitioners will learn to use Spiritual Healing, Invocative Treatments – and Ancient Divine Healing Techniques

Energy Hygiene for Practitioners is emphasized and explained.

This Workshop is an extension of Level I. Practitioners may upgrade their knowledge and understanding of Energy Treatments – through the presentation of this comprehensive new information.

The Knowledge shared – may be utilized immediately!

Innovative Treatments utilizing Subtle Energy may be easily applied and the Practitioner – is usually able to produce a predictable positive outcome.

The Workshop Time: Approximately 16 Hours
Prerequisites: Yoga Prana Vidya Level I


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