MAA Charlotte Anderson


Charlotte Anderson, the Spiritual Companion or Consort of 

Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui. 

Charlotte Morrison Anderson (20 March 1915 – 15 April 2002) was an internationally renowned Australian scientist, physician and academic. She pioneered the field of paediatric gastroenterology working on health issues including cystic fibrosis and coeliac disease. She was the first woman professor of paediatrics in the United Kingdom. Anderson was the first woman professor of paediatrics in the United Kingdom. She was appointed Leonard Parsons Professor of Paediatrics at the University of Birmingham Medical School in 1968.

For the last 14 years of His life they were constantly together both during periods of work and relaxation. She was constantly by His side everywhere He taught throughout the world. Her extensive, comprehensive personal training took place on a daily basis and lasted for the entire period of their amazing relationship up to His death on 19 March 2007.

Ms. Anderson is also widely recognized as the compiler, transcriber and editor of his last 11 books, collaborated with Him as Executive Producer for numerous CD’s, collaborated on all issues of The Prana World Magazine and other projects too numerous to enumerate

Maha Atma Choa’s and Charlotte’s relationship was both personal and professional. There constant loving interaction, also took the form of years of individual training designed to sustain His Work, including daily personal guidance, nurturing and extensive personal instruction in both Practical and Spiritual Teachings – throughout their time together.

His trust and personal confidence in her were clearly demonstrated when He granted her 20 year, global licenses for all of His courses in 2006. These were subsequently revoked by the organization after His death, and She continued to teach based on a 2004 Authorization, personally granted by her Spiritual Teacher

Clearly no other student was Blessed by having this kind of unique exposure or saturation of interactions with this great Spiritual Teacher.

During the first 3 years after Maha Atma Choa passed from the body, Ms. Anderson remained connected to various organizations – both Charitable and de facto – established by MCKS.


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