Kriya Shakti- Materialization Using Thought Power

 Learn how to use Subtle Modalities and Meditation, to produce Stellar Results & Increase the Volume of your Profits and the Efficacy of Joyous Personal Relationships, through applying Esoteric Laws!

These techniques are tremendously beneficial in successfully managing one’s Personal and Professional Relationships and every day Life situations in dealing successfully with superiors, subordinates, family members etc.

Kriya Shakti is a Revolutionary Approach to Successful Management of Your Life and Business using Esoteric Laws. This 16 hours innovative workshop, designed by Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui and Maa Charlotte Anderson, allows participants to break free from traditional approaches to Business and Personal Challenges and assists in removing obstacles, which otherwise may have even gone unrecognized.

Through Using The Energy Technologies of Kriya Shakti, you are able to view Business and Relationships from the Energetic Perspective too, which together with other applications of Energy, extracted from various traditions, will impart knowledge that will give you the cutting edge in your Profession and Personal Life.

The Workshop Time: 2 Days
Prerequisites: YPV L-I  or TFSE


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