Story of Gautam Buddha

Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism who later became known as “the Buddha ,” lived during the 5th century B.C. Gautama was born into a wealthy family as a prince in present-day Nepal. Although he had an easy life, Gautama was moved by suffering in the world. Some events are firmly agreed: he left home at 29, he attained 'awakening' at 35, and he died 45 years later. When the Buddha became enlightened , he found the answer to suffering , and he knew how to defeat suffering . This answer was called the Four Noble Truths. He was not sure if he should teach his new ideas or not. He asked himself if the world was ready for such a deep teaching. But in the end, he decided to travel to a town called Sarnath to teach the people his new way. He taught about the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. The people listened to him. When he taught, he did not pretend to be a God. He said he was just ...